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Police Car


To restart community policing and a cold case unit, we will recruit 500 more cops and 50 more seasoned homicide detectives with student loan programs and transfer incentives.

We will expand reentry and diversion programs and stop garnishing wages of returning citizens to align incentives to work.

We will increase federal referrals for gun and carjacking cases, invest in camera technology to catch thieves and vandals, shut down open-air drug markets, and use wiretaps to prosecute violent drug gangs. For more information, see our xx-page crime plan in our previous Blueprint for Baltimore.


As the son of two city school teachers, I know no better investment than our public schools. We will deliver debt-free college and trade school for public school graduates; establish community schools so that there is programming for students and parents before and after school and on weekends; and guarantee universal pre-K with door-to-door transport for every three- and four-year-old.

We must also address crumbling school infrastructure. Repairing school buildings and replacing lead pipes, heating, and AC systems will be done with unspent ARPA money, while funds from cannabis, taxes on abandoned buildings, and ending developer subsidies must also be redirected to public education.



The global Covid epidemic exposed acute disparities in health care, and too many still lack access to our world-class hospitals. Thiru will radically expand telemedicine and invest in digital infrastructure to eradicate transit barriers to visiting a doctor when needed. He will collaborate with trusted faith communities to establish clinics in churches for routine checkups. He will also expand Medicaid coverage by providing city-backed medical grants to all uninsured adults who do not qualify due to income limits.


Thiru will expand our canopy with 130K more trees, reach the goal of 77-miles of bike lanes set in 2017, invest $50M in fixing our water-sewage infrastructure, establish twice weekly trash pickup, and crack down on illegal dumping. In his first 60 days, Thiru has pledged to ban natural gas in new homes by 2026, close the incinerator, comply with the EPA order to provide cleanup funds for sewage backups, launch free West-East buses, and block construction of luxury apartments in the Inner Harbor Park.

Squeegee Mural
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By Authority Friends of Thiru Vignarajah | Treasurer: Sandra Seward | 410-929-4477


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