Thiru is a true son of Baltimore. His parents are retired Baltimore City schoolteachers who taught Thiru, by example, the meaning of public service. His mom started at Poly and finished teaching at Morgan State; his father taught at Edmondson, Douglass, Southern, and Western. They had escaped a country ravaged by civil war when Thiru and his younger sister, Krish, were small children. Baltimore gave Thiru’s family a chance. Thiru is the proud product of public schools, going from Edmondson Heights Elementary to Woodlawn High, where he played sports, participated in mock trial, and graduated valedictorian of his class.
Thiru learned from his parents the importance of education, and he made the most of every opportunity. After Woodlawn High, Thiru took out loans to attend Yale University and Harvard Law School, earning a degree in Ethics at Kings College London and working at McKinsey in between. He was elected President of the Harvard Law Review, the same position Barack Obama once held. Thiru earned judicial clerkships with Judge Guido Calabresi and Justice Stephen Breyer on the United States Supreme Court.

Thiru has devoted his life to public service in Baltimore City. Fighting violent crime and corruption, he began as a federal prosecutor in the Violent Crimes Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, then served as Chief of Major Investigations in the State’s Attorney’s Office, which was responsible for handling the “toughest cases against the city’s worst criminals.” Thiru was honored by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein for his work successfully prosecuting the Black Guerilla Family (BGF), the city’s most ruthless gang. Thiru was then named Deputy Attorney General for the State of Maryland, where he made Maryland the first state in America to establish statewide discriminatory profiling guidelines. When he was named Deputy Attorney General, the police commissioner called Thiru a “once-in-a-generation lawyer and leader."

Thiru is not a political insider — he is a proven leader and public servant. A son of city school teachers who went from local public schools to Yale and Harvard and came back to serve. From BGF to BGE, he has taken on the city’s greatest threats — and won. Baltimore needs a true leader who, no matter the cost, no matter the circumstances, will fight for what’s best for the people. Thiru has shown that’s who he is and that he’s never going to quit.
If you believe Baltimore deserves better, then this isn’t just Thiru’s campaign — it’s your campaign too.